Saturday, April 27, 2019

Vegan Baked Goods in Unexpected Places

While we live in a somewhat progressive little college town, I'm always surprised we aren't more vegan-friendly, but sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised. A new bakery opened up close to our home and we finally went by to check it out. We found not one, but two, vegan options in the dessert case! They weren't gluten-free either! Usually, locally we find the twofer vegan/gluten-free option put in as a hasty offering to all those "special dietary needs" customers. I was so happy to have two options that we went back the next day to buy more.

Both types of cupcakes were actually quite good. The frosting was light and fluffy while not being over "buttery" tasting or too sweet. The texture of the cake portion was spot on. We will definitely be back again.


Cadry's Kitchen said...

I'm always happy when the vegan option doesn't get lumped together with the GF option too. People really seem to struggle with gluten free baked goods, and I'm fine with all of the gluten.

VeganLinda said...

I love gluten! My kids get the question all the time, "If you are vegan, why do you eat gluten?" Lumping them together really makes people more confused about the vegan thing.