Thursday, February 23, 2017

Never Alone and Ones and Zeros - 48 Hour Film Project

Last year, Josie had the pleasure of working with Jon Lecouris (a local musician and film director) on a 48 Hour Film Project. You can see it here. This was our first involvement in the project. It was so much fun! Each team (there were about nine last year and this year) gets a prop, a line, and a character at 7pm on a Friday night. They have until Sunday at 7pm to submit a finished film with these three components included. It is pretty cool so see how different the ideas are when given the same prop, line, and character. 

This year, Parker was included in a team (the director, Thomas Polk, who directed Parker's screen play, Star Prince was the captain of the team) from the inception so he got to stay up until 1:00 or so in the morning coming up with plot lines, helped with every stage of the project except for editing. Dema and I found out late Friday night that Rachel Berry (the director for Fast Rodney, Who Was On His Way Out) cast us in her film. She sent me the script first thing Saturday morning and we spent all day Saturday on set filming. It is so intense and fun!

Remember, these aren't super polished films since we only have 48 hours from start to finish, but it is a great exercise in getting something together in a short time.

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