Monday, November 26, 2012

Tofu Florentine and Homemade Habanero Hot Sauce

 Tofu Florentine from Snarky Vegan. I asked Rob to make this dish early in November and I've been craving ever since. We're not new to tofu Florentine. We've been making the Veganomicon version for years and we also love the Vegan Brunch recipe, but this one has a Southern flare that made the North Carolinian in Rob happy.
 The base is a hoecake, which is new to the rest of our Yankee family, but we took to them right away. I wish I had a big plate of this right now.
 Luckily, Rob made enough for leftovers and we enjoyed them even more the next day because I remembered to use John's hot sauce. John is one of Rob's co-workers and he has a great garden, grows his own habanero peppers, and makes this knock your socks off hot sauce. This was the first dish we tried the hot sauce on, but soon we were adding it to everything. Parker decried his beloved Cool Cayenne hot sauce and declared a new Parker favorite. He thinks John should sell the stuff. 
Have this for breakfast, brunch, lunch, is all good. What can be better than greens, hoecakes, tofu, a decadent white sauce, and a bit of spice? Nothing. By the way, we are down to the dregs of the hot sauce. Yes, we went through this jar in a few short weeks and now we are can't imagine living without it. Everyone knows vegan food is the way to our hearts, but homemade hot sauce takes up a notch. John has rockstar status in our house.


Cadry said...

That sounds so good! Sorry you're running low on your now-beloved hot sauce. It's hard once you've gotten hooked! A good hot sauce has a way of taking a delicious dish to the next level.

VeganLinda said...

We just need to grow enough peppers next year to make our own hot sauce. My twelve year old has decided this is his life's grow and make his own hot sauce and sell it. :-)