Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pad Thai and Mock Duck Product Review

I've mentioned before how much I love the Pad Thai recipe in 1,000 Vegan Recipes.  I've started doubling the sauce when I make pad thai for dinner so I can make more later in the week for quick lunch. The kids are always eager to help make Pad Thai, any time of day.  This time, Josie was cubing the tofu for me while I prepared the veggies.  I looked over to see how she was doing, I am never far away from my three year old with a knife, and she looked up at me with an apologetic grin.  She pointed to some of the tofu which looked more like scramble than cubed and said, "That is collateral damage tofu." and shrugged.  I don't know where she comes up with this stuff.
My co-host, Meat-free Mike gave me some canned mock duck a while back and I decided to add it to the Pad Thai.  I don't use canned foods often, but he knows we enjoy mock duck dishes when we eat out and I was happy to give it a try.  It had a texture which I haven't been able to duplicate with homemade seitan so it was a nice change and very convenient.  The ingredient list wasn't too bad so I could see buying this again sometime.  I'd like to try the mock duck in a curry next.  You should be able to find this product at your local Asian market.  Thanks, Mike!

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