Friday, August 20, 2010

Peace Sign Tomato Rosemary Scones

Last year I blogged about the awesomeness which is Vegan Brunch's Tomato Rosemary Scones, but apparently there are a few people out there who still have not tried them.  For shame!  These beauties are perfect for any meal, easy to make, nutritious, and a wonderful way to use the abundance of tomatoes growing in the garden this time of year.  I intentionally grow rosemary just to make these scones, yet my rosemary was taken over by our sweet potato plants so I snagged some rosemary from Cynthia's garden for one batch of scones.  When I make my daily sauce, I add different things depending on what I have on hand.  This batch has peppers (sweet and spicy) from the garden, carrots from the co-op, and yams from the co-op so the scones turned out even brighter orange than normal.  I never have all purpose flour so I used white whole wheat instead.  I also lived dangerously and omitted the sweetener altogether with excellent results.  The yams and carrots were plenty sweet and these are savory scones anyway.  Josie helped me make them and she could not stop licking the dough.  It sticks to your fingers and is quite good so I might have licked a bit myself.  As we were cutting the dough into scone-ish shapes, I had my mind on various other things and Josie brought me back by saying excitedly, "Look mom, a peace sign!  We made a peace sign out of the scones!"  We had indeed, without thinking about it.  She was so thrilled and now she asks me to cut a peace sign with every batch.
This was a double batch, 32 scones, and was devoured within 24 hours by my crew.  We took them to the Market at the Square Saturday and shared one or two with friends, but still, they ate a lot of scones.  I made more for Parker's first soccer practice of the season (they are great to take along for a quick snack).
These beauties go with almost any meal, but this night I was in a hurry and made VeganYumYum's Mac and Cheeze.  I use cauliflower and yams/sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes.  This time I used peas instead of broccoli (didn't have any left) and added walnuts on top.


Anonymous said...

These sound great! Looking forward to trying something similar...

VeganLinda said...

I hope you do, I think I enjoy savory scones better than tradition ones these days.