Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why are Vegans Obsessed with Mac and Cheese or VeganMoFo Day 12

Why are we as a "people" obsessed with veganizing mac and cheese? Is it really such an amazing food? Is it just American vegans who seem to be inflicted with this disease? Only American vegans who grew up in the 70's or later when I'm guessing mac and cheese hit its stride? If we get it "right" will there be eternal world peace and the end to all suffering? These questions and more will never be answered because I'm busy, busy, busy today. But, take a look at this...
Vegan Dad's Creamy Mac and Cheeze with a few changes. I accidentally put a lot of paprika in, because I couldn't be bothered to measure anything, which accounts for the reddish hue. I also used pumpkin seeds in place of pine nuts (did that before and it works fine) and walnuts and sesame seeds instead of sunflower seeds (couldn't find the sunflower seeds). I topped it with roasted tamari roasted chickpeas (I still have a ton of chickpeas to use up, but not a lot of time to do anything amazing) and steamed broccoli. Yum!


Unknown said...

Hi Linda, Here's a link to a nice video review of a new vegan restaurant in NYC. Looks good:

half pint pixie said...

I have to say Linda, I have wondered the same thing myself. I think it is just you crazy Americans who love your Mac & Cheese. Pasta & cheese, who thought it up? I don't know anyone here in Ireland who's even tasted it, let along tried to veganize it :)

But your version looks quite edible and I hope you get through all those chickpeas soon. What about tonnes of hummus, could you freeze it? Maybe as a science experiment!

half pint pixie said...

And thank you! I knew I forgot something from my online shop that I'm doing while browsing blogs, paprika!! My recipes thank you :) We've been paprika-less all week (And everything I've cooked has called for it, figures!)

Tracy said...

I don't get why people like mac'n'cheese either. It's never been one of my favorites. My son likes the fake orange Kraft version, which he had at a restaurant. (I let him order it because it was a decent restaurant and surely they make a nice homemade version for the kids, right? And out came orange Kraft.) Well, I decided that if he liked that, I'd make him real homemade mac'n'cheese, so I slaved over the stove and did it, only to be told, "This is good... but Kraft is better." I guess I can't compete with all those addictive additives, so why bother? There will be no more mac'n'cheese in this house!

VeganLinda said...

Mel, Funny you should mention Candle 79 because I was just looking at this recipe from Candle 79 the other day when I made piccata. http://www.chow.com/recipes/10596
I love going to NYC for the vegan restaurants and it looks like I'm due for a visit!

HPP, We have been eating quite a bit of hummus and no complaints from the kids, but I still have about the amount of chickpeas left now which would we normally made for a week and it is Wed. I will have to freeze something in the end. Tomorrow is chickpea patties so I might make a HUGE batch and freeze the heck out of 'em. I'm glad I could help with the paprika.

Tracy, Growing up I loved mashed potatoes, but only the ones made from the boxed flakes and I would complain if they were actual potatoes mashed up. Crazy!

Jumbleberry Jam said...

I call it Kraft Crack'nCheese...as that must be what it contains! I (bag over head) so miss it and have yet to find an acceptable vegan version. But, I'll keep trying...

Thanks again for meeting us at the Red Herring and venturing out to the museum with us. SO FUN! I only wish we'd had more time to chat. 'Tis quite a challenge when chasing M! Hope you are all well!

Rob said...

Keep working on those chickpeas :)

Unknown said...

Curly Girl asked me what the pic on your blog was. I could not see the computer, so I told her to guess. She said, "well it looks like mac and cheese, butt beans, and broccoli." Three of her favorite foods LOL.

Diva prefers tator flakes too.

half pint pixie said...

Those chickpea patties freeze very nicely, we had some defrosted ones last week. I think next time I might freeze them uncooked as we froze them cooked the last time and they dried out a good bit while defrosting them! Hope you enjoy them :)

Meat-free Mike said...

I like to make what some call "Mulligan Stew" with the mac. Use tomatoes/sauce onions & garlic, perhaps peppers. TVP to simultae hamburger crumbles and you're set. Good too over rice, quinoa, smashed potatoes, etc.

Forget the cheese-mac. Seems like the brainchild of some advertising exec!

VeganLinda said...

Rob, we still have chickpeas left...sorry we didn't get them used before your trip was over.

Inanna, Next time you are in town, let us know. We would love to catch up properly. I hope your sister's wedding was wonderful. I grew up on "real" mac and cheese (velveta cheese and milk) so I never liked Kraft, but I do understand it was like crack for many of my friends.

4 is crazy, How funny! My kids have never had tator flakes because I know they are addictive.

HPP, I forgot that I loaned my Eat Drink and Be Vegan out so I didn't have the recipe. I will make sure to freeze them before cooking though...good tip!

MFMike,I was happy to hear you might be joining the WEFT board. 2 vegans on the board will have to be some kind of record!

Lisa -- Cravin' Veggies said...

Linda... when I make chickpea cutlets/patties I always make a ton and freeze them. It is so easy just to pull a few out now and then for a quick lunch (or dinner)!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha it's so true, we are obsessed with mac and cheese! But it's so good...