Friday, October 3, 2008

The Extreme Flyer

Parker's friend Leo turned nine this week and Parker went to work Wednesday making something for him. He thought for a while and decided to make a Millennium Falcon because "Leo loves Star Wars....I'm not to keen on it, but it is Leo's birthday so I should make him something he likes." Parker hasn't seen the Star Wars movies so he only had a vague idea (from and seeing Star Wars stuff at friends' houses) what the Millennium Falcon looks like. He looked up pictures on the internet and wanted to know all sorts of details. Finally he decided it wasn't the Millennium Falcon, but a ship that Leo could name himself (Parker called it the Extreme Flyer). Parker finished it Thursday and took it over to Leo. I hope he likes it! You never know if kids are going to like something homemade or not. Parker certainly had fun making it. Parker said he thought Leo would like guns and a bomb box in case he needed to get through an underground tunnel or a wall/fence. The attack mobile is for defending from attacks. I asked if he wanted to keep it since he put so much work into it, but he said "No mom, I'm not into guns and bombs...I just want to make Leo happy." Sometimes I worry about my little pacifist and wonder if he has a "dark side" that he needs to explore (I've been reading and researching the benefits of play lately and I sometimes wonder if gun play or good/evil play which I have NEVER liked as a parent may have some usefulness. I don't think I could ever encourage swords or guns, but I am trying to understand that type of play. Rob and I both played with toy guns, but life was different back then.) Parker is very sensitive and thinks a lot...maybe too much for an eight year I look forward to figuring out things with him.Parker took pictures and asked me to blog about it (which I would have anyway).


River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

Awww he made his buddy a present! That's so sweet! I'm sure Leo will appreciate it, especially considering that Parker thought ahead about underground tunnels and fences. :)
PS: I love the name Parker!

the sandwich life said...

Leo LOVES it....I'm so glad you have pictures of it---I went to take a picture of it this morning but my camera was dead....Parker is a wonderful friend!